Here's the dealio, I know a lot of people feel like they need to have a piece of something (i.e. picture frames, clocks, block letters, mirrors) on every single wall. Then when you take a step back and look at it, every single wall looks so lonely and boring with their one piece of decor. So here's what I want you to do:
MAKE A WALL COLLAGE! They are so super cute and it'll help you utilize your pieces TOGETHER! Don't be afraid to mix in letters and tiny shelves, it gives it so much more character!
Here are a few examples:
Exhibit A : Pottery Barn's front entryway table
Honestly, I own maybe 2 things from Pottery Barn, they're too expensive for my cheap taste. However, they have some of the BEST ideas! I absolutely LOVE the word sign and paddle on top. They set an awesome example of how to throw in artwork. I'm obsessed with their use of levels. Notice how every piece isn't lined up "just so" with the others? Keep in mind that not everything needs to be perfectly symmetrical. Ok, on to the next.
Exhibit B : My Momma's living room wall
Of course I have to show my Mom's stuff! Now, Mom hasn't used a bunch of levels here, BUT she's grouped the frames together really nicely. I love the block letter "B" thrown in there. I know the pic isn't great quality, but if you look closely, not all the frames are the same color... not everything has to match!
Here she uses a lot of symmetry, BUT different sized frames... LOVE!
Exhibit C : Meagan Bredsgaurd's wall above the couch
Now this girl knows whats up! Meagan has used levels, other items besides frames, and it's grouped together SOOO cute! I'm obsessed with the idea of empty frames! AWESOME!
Side note: check out that super cute coffee table... I know for a fact she got it for a smokin' deal on Craigslist. Way to be thrifty, my friend. Also, see the super cute pillows? Yep, she made them!
Love the little detalis... See in the right corner? A frame within a frame?!! Muy Bueno!
Meagan is a crafty little friend of mine, and will definitely be featured more on GET CRAFTLICIOUS... Check out more of her creations on her blog
Not that bad, eh? Decorating can be SO simple if you just allow yourself to think outside the box! Remember to keep in mind not everything needs to match or be just frames... Now go and re-do that boring wall GET CRAFTLICIOUS style!